There is nothing more frightful than a wicked little girl!
And in the House of Goth, we kinda like little girls to be rather frightful. It shows character. It shows strength.
If you can be wicked, be wicked!
But then there's Fenella.
Fenella was...ahem....wicked - spelled WICKED!
She possessed the evil of vampires, werewolves, mummies and ghosts all rolled into one.
Or maybe she was just misunderstood?
Either way... Fenella was rather Frightful!
How bloody gorgeous is our Frightful Fenella Dress?
Hand crafted in the softest cotton fabric, displaying Fenella's favoutire frights!
Fully lined and trimmed with bloodcurdling red organza.
It's frightfully wonderful. Don't you agree?
Made to order only, in standard age Newborn to 5 years - or made to measure (up to age 5 ) at no extra charge.
We can also create this for Frightful Adults - email us with your requirements.
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House of Goth

The DEadliest Clothing This side of Hell.........
Macabre & Theatrical Couture by Sharon Goth
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